:60 Anthem. From the 2015 "Different On Purpose" campaign.
devry university-
Different on Purpose
This for-profit university was often seen in a negative light as a school that anybody could get into. We decided to reframe the conversation and celebrate how DeVry students were different from traditional college students...they're the strongest, most determined and resilient people in America. To serve these "salt of the earth" heroes, DeVry is different too... DIFFERENT ON PURPOSE.

Devry University -
Let Nothing Stand in Your Way
This ground-breaking ode to the warrior academics of DeVry University rose above the "features and benefits" hard-sell tactics of the competition to truly stand out. While clearly standing with these students who overcome all kinds of obstacles every single day, to get the education they need to move their lives forward.
Mark Your Moments - Olympic Partnership
In 2012 DeVry University became the official educational provider for US Olympic athletes. We focused on the story of one of these athletes in a national TV spot, but also developed a Facebook app to drive awareness of DeVry's philosophy of support. Setting goals, getting encouragement from DeVry Student Olympic athletes, earning virtual medals and other exclusive rewards, this app was a powerful way to inspire current students and prospects to let nothing stand in their way of reaching their educational and life goals.

DeVry Universtiy -
Content Marketing
The education many colleges offer today doesn't actually prepare their students for the careers that are here, and the ones that are coming. But a DeVry University education does. So we set out to speak to this issue through a content marketing platform based around Know How for a New Tomorrow. This content, directed toward prospective students, their parents, high school guidance counselors, and prospective employers, not only sparked their interest, they shared it, and engaged more deeply with the brand because of it. In the process it helped shift the perception of DeVry from old and irrelevant to one that's forward thinking and a good investment in your future.
Centrum Positioning Exploratory
Centrum is seen by most folks as the vitamin for "old people." But, these days, if you're 50+ you don't see yourself as old and you certainly don't want a product that reinforces that stereotype. So we explored several ways for Centrum to re-position itself, and to inspire Baby Boomers to rethink the brand as their champion because it's specially formulated to support their bodies, and all they want to do, at any age.
Centrum - "Your Daily Requirement of Yes"
This integrated campaign was built on the insight that most of us don't go into our 50s seeing ourselves as "done." We're thinking about all the things we still can do, need to do, and want to do. Luckily, Centrum sees 50+ that way too. And they make vitamins to provide everything 50+ bodies need to keep doing what we want to do. To keep saying "Yes."
SilverSneakers is a fitness program provided at no cost to boomers, 65+, by more than 60 health plans nationwide. Its financial success was based on people actually using it. However, there was little awareness of the program, and to those who had signed up for it, a majority weren't going to the gym regularly.. So we came up with a way to talk about the program that was inspiring and motivating: "If you want to keep showing up for your life...you need to keep showing up at the gym."

Journeys "The New Normal"
Hallmark's reputation as formal, stodgy and not "real" needed to change. So they introduced a new line of cards that were relevant to actual people's messy and complicated lives. We created a campaign and a website to highlight these cards for "the new normal." It was surprising and refreshingly honest and brought Hallmark back into the consideration set for a whole lot of card givers.
Barilla Italian Sauces -
La Dolce Vita
Italy's number 1 sauce was seen as just another sauce on the shelf. But we showed how it could be so much more. A way to thumb your nose at the perfection-pushers, take back the dinner hour, and truly savor your messy beautiful life.
Eat Out - Check In - Feed Chicago
The problem of hunger in Chicago seems insurmountable. When the GCFD came to us, with no money and no time, asking for our help to boost their end of year giving, we took on the challenge. They also hoped to reach a new crop of donors - millennials, who don't respond to traditional direct mail appeals. So we came up with a way to donate to GCFD every time you checked in at a restaurant on social media. This innovative, feel-good program got tons of great press, brought in lots of new donors, and fed people who really needed it. The program continued through Valentine's Day and its success paved the way for a new brand campaign and website redesign for GCFD..